Are you searching for a new career or a new job? If you are, you shall definitely come across many job listings. Some of them you will be qualified for and others you will not necessarily be qualified for. When applying for a job, there are a number of job hunters who speculate if whether they should apply for that job that they are not really qualified for. To know whether or not you should apply, you may need to look at the pros and cons of doing so. In this article we are going to look at the question “Should you apply for jobs you are not qualified for?”.
The Pros of applying for a job you are not qualified for.
The biggest pro of applying for a job that you are not necessarily qualified for, is the unexpected. You will be amazed at the number of employers who schedule interviews without going through the resumes first. In most cases this happens when there weren’t a large number of applicants or when they need to employ right away. When that is the case, your personality will do all of the talking for you and not necessarily your resume. There are hundreds of instances every year where companies employ candidates that actually were not necessarily qualified for the job in question. The reasons as to why they were hired tend to vary. But a number of employers were just impressed with the applicant’s goals, need to succeed altitude and personality.
Other opportunities, in most cases from the same employer, is another plus side or pro to applying for those jobs that you may not necessarily be qualified for. It is not rare for a company to be hiring for more than one position. Even though the position you applied for, you may not necessarily be qualified for it, the employer may have another position available; a position that may meet your qualifications and skills. If an employer likes your personality or resume, if an interview was scheduled, you definitely stand a better chance of getting employed. In spite of the fact that you applied for a different position than the one that you applied for originally.
The downsides of applying for jobs you are not qualified for
Although there are many plus sides or pros to applying for a job that you may not necessarily be qualified for. There are also many downsides or cons to doing so as well. Most employers easily get fed up or frustrated with job seekers that apply for jobs that they aren’t qualified for. From an employer’s point of view, it is time-consuming to go through hundreds of job applications or resumes. Especially when a good number of them are from job seekers who are not even qualified for the vacant position.
Use your best judgment when applying for jobs you are not qualified for
The decision as to whether or not you should apply for a job that you aren’t qualified for is yours to make. But it is advised that you use your best judgment. For example, do not apply for a position as a software engineer or teacher if you don’t have the required qualifications or training. However, say you have a business degree and you are interested in becoming a retail store manager. You may want to think about applying for the job if you have equal years of work experience.
Questions during interviews as to why you applied for a job you are not qualified for
If you manage to get invited for an interview. They will definitely ask you why you applied for a job that you aren’t qualified for. When answering that question. Try to answer it in a way that you will benefit you. For example, go into detail about how you think you are qualified in other ways and how you are always up for a challenge. Never respond with an answer like “I was hoping that I would get lucky.” This is definitely a sure way to lose your chance of landing yourself that job.