Before you submit your application when applying for jobs, it is important that you read through the job description thoroughly. A lot of what employers are actually looking for in their potential job candidates is written right in the job requirements and description. in order to make sure you have covered everything the employer is looking for, you should review your curriculum vitae against the requirements listed . If you are able to address all the requirements by the information in your cover letter or CV, you will be on the right track to landing yourself that dream job. So what qualifications do employers look for?
What are the skills that employers look for
However, there are a number of skills hiring managers look for that are never spelled out in the job description. These are skills beyond your qualifications and technical knowledge that make you a great professional in your field. These skills are typically referred to as employability skills. You already have employability skills, so don’t panic you just may not think of them as critical for getting a job.
The employability skills are grouped into eight categories:
- Communication skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Teamwork skills
- Planning and organizing skills
- Initiative and enterprise skills
- Learning skills
- Self-management
- Technology skills
- So what qualifications do employers look for?
I guess you are thinking to yourself now that you have read the categories, yes, I have those skills. But did you ever think to list them on your CV? Most people focus on their professional responsibilities as well as achievements. They often favor those that are job-specific and end up skipping these skills. However, a number of employers these days are looking for these skills in the CVs. Your potential hiring manager wants to know that you communicate well, will show initiative when needed and if you are a team player. While you may think this is implied by your interest in the position available. Hiring managers like to see these skills called out on your CV or cover letter.
The best way to demonstrate these skills is under your qualifications and through your experience. Point out the initiatives you have participated in that needed you to work under a deadline, in a team, or as a self-starter. Show your loyalty through pointing out your achievements at a company and how they helped your team as a whole (not just you).
You can demonstrate the employability skills in your cover letter by openly showing your enthusiasm for the available job opening. Also, indicating your integrity and motivation, stating your commitment to your career objective and showing that you are above all credible and un-selfish. These skills are just as important to your ability to do a good job as your education and professional experience. Hiring managers are looking for an employer who will be a great fit on their team and in their company. A person who has a balance between their professional and personal life, and works well under pressure but also has a sense of humor.
You should review your existing CV
Review your existing CV. Does it have any employability skills? If not, make changes to include those employability skills you feel you excel in. If you are not sure, ask your family and friends for an objective opinion, so that you can get a good idea of how people around you see you as a professional as well as a person. Keep these attributes in mind as you write your CV and your cover letter. These skills can make a difference between being qualified to exceed goals and grow in your career and knowing how to do a job.